5 min read
If you’ve ever wondered why it feels like your cat spends more time in dreamland than in the real world, you’re not alone. Cats have mastered the art of catnaps,
6 min read
Congratulations, your cat is all grown up and about to embark on motherhood, making you a soon-to-be pet grandparent. The journey of having kittens is both exciting and emotional for
6 min read
While we may see Christmas as a time of large gatherings and celebration, have you ever considered what Christmas looks like through the eyes of a cat? The sudden introduction
3 min read
There are lots of reasons why a cat might stare and this depends on the wider context. More often than not, your pet’s body language will reveal the motivation behind
4 min read
Most cat parents view it as an honor their cat would choose to nod off while resting on their laps or beds, and it’s definitely a sign the bond between
4 min read
Many cat parents love sleeping with their pets in their bed, but it’s not without possible drawbacks. Some of these are relatively minor — ever been startled awake by a
4 min read
Given the amount of time you and your cat spend together, it’s only natural to wish you could speak with them as you would a close friend. Of course, with
4 min read
In the vast majority of cases, your cat licking you is nothing to worry about. In fact, it might even be a sign your pet is forming a close bond
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Although we know a lot about cats, we still can’t explain all of their quirks. Kneading is a good example, as there are several theories as to why cats engage
3 min read
Nobody would deny headbutting is a pretty aggressive action when it’s done between humans, but for cats, it’s anything but. Also known as bunting, cats use their heads to make
4 min read
In most cases, your cat following you everywhere needn’t be a massive cause for concern, but in rare situations, overly close attachment can be an indication of separation anxiety. I
4 min read
As much as you might think your cat wouldn’t harm a fly, there’s a natural predator inside them.. Fortunately, your pet shouldn’t use their teeth for anything other than eating